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Prime Recruitment Ltd is committed to ensuring that everyone in its workforce

understands and follows the importance of Whistleblowing.

Policy Aim

Prime Recruitment Ltd will comply with all applicable legal and regulatory

requirements relating to the importance of Whistleblowing, with supporting the staff

reporting these concerns. Management and the staff team will work in a manner to

ensure that their obligations and duties with regard to Whistleblowing are being met

at all times.


It is the responsibility of the Prime Recruitment Ltd to bring the policy to the attention

of all staff members and if requested that this policy is made available to the

Client’s/customers using the services of Prime Recruitment Ltd.

All staff members must ensure that they read this policy and ask for further

information, if they do not understand. The staff member must also ensure that they

understand the procedures and report any concerns straightaway to the Manager or


Whistleblowing is the term used for when a staff member raises a concern

about the following:

Malpractice, risk for an individual’s safety, the wrongdoing or possible illegal

harm that would create a risk to people using the Care Providers service, to

colleagues or the public. Concerns would be dealt with by Manager or Director

when a Whistleblowing concern is reported.

Staff responsibility

If a staff member is concerned that a vulnerable adult living in a Care Home,

Residential Home or Nursing Home, which organisation is a Client of Prime

Recruitment Ltd, is at risk and are not being cared for in a way that is keeping the

individual safe, this concern must be reported to the Manager or Director straight

away. If the Care Provider has not responded to the concerns or the staff member

does not feels that this has been dealt with, the Manager or Director can then report

this matter to the Care Quality Commission.

At Prime Recruitment Ltd, we provide an open culture where staff can feel confident

that they are able to report concerns which will be investigated and addressed. Staff

members are encouraged and reassured that we will act on all concerns raised as

soon as possible. Staff are also protected under the Public Interest Disclosure Act

1998, which protects Whistle-blowers from any negative treatment or unfair dismissal.

This is part of the Employment Rights Act 1996.

Examples of Whistleblowing concerns are as follows:

Abuse towards a Service User, health and safety danger, negligence, theft, self-

neglect, concern of food safety and hygiene, medication self-neglect or concern,

Concerns around the conduct of work colleagues around negligence, corruption and


Safeguarding individuals

Prime Recruitment Ltd will always ensure that the safety of our Service users is met

at all times and we will act promptly to all concerns raised.

Dealing with reports of abuse

Any staff member who attempts to prevent a report of a concern to the Care

Provider, Manager, Director or who intimidates their colleague will be dealt with

following the disciplinary procedure.

If a staff member who has whistle blown, feels that they are now subject to hostile

action from their colleagues, should report to the Manager or Director straight away,

in order to protect them.

A relationship of trust must be in place with all employees and we need to know any

concerns that you have.

At Prime Recruitment Ltd, we will carry out the following:

Respect confidentiality,

Investigate all concerns properly and thoroughly,

Report on the outcome of the investigations and any action that was taken,

We will provide support and protection if necessary.


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